We are ordinary people on the journey of becoming more like Jesus together.


Give . Bring . Help


This Christmas, we are bringing hope at home and overseas.
This is how you can get involved:


We aim to give £4,000 to Karis Kids, Uganda this Christmas. This money will fund young people's vocational training and support our partner church, St Johns in Kamwokya in their incredible work in the slums of Kampala. Please use this link to give.



We make up beautiful hampers for families and individuals, who feel loved and helped by these special items. These are the items we are collecting:

  • Large Tin of Sweets eg. Heroes, Roses

  • Christmassy Box of Biscuits/Shortbread

  • Jar of Chutney

  • Oval Tin of Ham

  • Crackers for Cheese

  • Carton or Tin of Custard

  • Cadbury's Hot Chocolate

  • Bottle of Sparkling Drink

  • Yule log (BBD at least to 31/12/20).

Please bring these items to the office on Monday or Thursday 10am-12noon or call to arrange another time - 01962 863 217.

The deadline for bringing hamper items is Friday 11th December.



Thank you for all your offers of help, we now have all the volunteers we require for this years Christmas Compassion events.

If you have queries about any of the above, please email storehouse@winchestervineyard.org.

Thank you for getting involved and bringing hope to others this Christmas!